I reckon round 2 was awesome. I ran two fun runs which I wouldn't have dreamed off. I did two triatholons which would have been more of a nightmare than a dream. I had fun, lost weight and will miss the comraderie.
On Sunday I came down with bad asthma, probably the sort you should go to hosptial for but like usual I was in denial because if it wasn't happening I could keep exercising and avoid the damn drugs they put you on. Monday I went to the doctors and now I am on so much medication and all of it is FATTENING! And I cant exercise. Disaster has struck in the lead up to round 3. Terrible news for me so of course I stress ate a muffin and an extra sandwich, which for someone who almost never does bread is at a bit of a loss as to know why I was so stupid. Blah. Must must must get back into the right head space.
Help me Michelle, I am slipping. Ok truly it is me who has to help me, you gave me the knowledge, I know what I am doing wrong. I am self medicating with food. Stupid me, it wont help in the long run. So time to stop feeling sorry for myself and at least try to move. Well after I have sat on the nebuliser for half an hour and fallen asleep from it. Possibly I will move tomorrow all going well. At least I tried walking today, I tried (I even trotted for a few seconds but dont tell my husband who is beside himself with worry).